delhi belly

noun: Diarrhea or dysentery contracted from eating Indian (i.e., from India) food. Also Karachi crouch.
In Mexico it is known as a bout of Montezuma's revenge, in India a case of Delhi belly. But whatever it is called, it is common.
by Shambly Hermit January 24, 2005
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delhi belly

having diorreaha
by Froger April 24, 2003
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Delhi Belly

Just like yellow fever means one craves a romantic and/or sexual encounter with an Asian, Delhi Belly is the condition someone has when they crave a sub-continental person, usually Indian.
"Dude, I was just watching Priya Rai the other night and now I got some mad Delhi Belly."
by Zima69err August 12, 2015
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Delhi Belly

Unlike India, this "Delhi" is pronounced with a long "i" as in the township on the west side of Hamilton County in Cincinnati. Causes are ingestion of hanky pankies, also known as dog food on toast, or Polish Mistakes, dead roast beef, string beans cooked for hours and/or of any Miracle Whip laden food at summer church festivals and bad imitations of Cincinnati chili, that have sat for hours in the hot sun, aided by vast consumption of bad beer.

Additional symptoms may include delusions about it still being 1950 and a desire for "Leave It to Beaver" reruns. Victims are mostly Caucasian and Catholic.
"Boy those hankie pankies and a six pack of Hudy gave me a real case of Delhi Belly"

"Did you go to St. Al's festival? Must have been an epidemic of Delhi Belly as the porta potties were full.

"Aunt Marge made roast beef again. Cooked for three hours and so did the beans with old onions. Got a bad case of Delhi Belly."

"Wow, that big plate of 5-Way Chili and Hudys gave me Delhi Belly big time. They heard me fart in Cleveland."
by Tea Party Forever February 17, 2012
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