Cuppa Cup•uh

A word, famously used by Beetlejuice (Beetlepimp), to describe something he’s got or done a few times. Can be translated to “a few” or “a couple of”.
“How many drop kicks did it take to beat him, Beet?”
“Cuppa drop kicks.”
by LilBrownBoiii May 6, 2019
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British slang for A-CUP-OF tea
Man 1: Oi, Fancy a cuppa?

Man 2: Cream no sugar, ta
by rea73r March 4, 2014
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A toerags slang for a cup of tea. Mostly said by toerags like zero cliff etc
Just having a cuppa and a warm up, then im on.
by PSYKOPATRIK December 12, 2021
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A term coined by king of the whack pack, beetlejuice. Replacing the word “couple” with “cuppa
Jackson: “Hey Blake, tryna get a cuppa subs tonight at the sun shop.”
Blake: “wouldn’t mind a cuppa subs”
by Q7 BABY! May 31, 2019
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The fucking greatest bus of all times. A bus filled with jock-sexy motherfuckers and horny 14 year old girls. Anything that happens in the Cuppa stays between the boys and the bus, and nothing of no one can break their inevitable relationship. Also mentioned and popularised through the greatest hjemmesnekk of all times.
Vandre - “It sucks that only the jock sexy ambassadors can ride with the Cuppa.”
by Jock-sexy ambassador January 8, 2021
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