When you ejaculate in a girls mouth and push her head down really fast so she chokes and all the cum flys out her nose.
by Troy February 20, 2003
1. a terrible whore who starts coughing up semen for no perticular reason.
2. a person who coughs up semen in such a magnitude, that it permanently ruins a special momment, atricle of clothing, film or television show.
2. a person who coughs up semen in such a magnitude, that it permanently ruins a special momment, atricle of clothing, film or television show.
Jack:"hey stacy."
Stacy:"yes, jack?"
Jack:"i wanna ask you, will you...."
(Stacy coughs up another mans semen)
Jack:"fucking cum dragon, get your stanky ass away from me"
Stacy:"yes, jack?"
Jack:"i wanna ask you, will you...."
(Stacy coughs up another mans semen)
Jack:"fucking cum dragon, get your stanky ass away from me"
by browniepoint October 10, 2009
To ejaculate into ice cube trays then build a small sculpture of a dragon type creature out of the frozen cum
Fatty: Hey dude is that a semen sculpture of a salamander?
Dude: No you stupid chug, its a cum dragon
Dude: No you stupid chug, its a cum dragon
by Spandangler May 12, 2009
When your getting head and your about to cum, of which you give our a load “RWarrr” as you ejaculate into the girls mouth at that very moment you smack the bitch on the back of the skull. So cum to come flying out her nose still warm. At that point she is the cum dragon
Bro “I hit that bitch so hard that she cum dragooned all over my new trousers”
Bro 2 “what a whore, I make my bitch wear a face mask so she don’t cum dragon on me”
Bro 2 “what a whore, I make my bitch wear a face mask so she don’t cum dragon on me”
by Jnb June 14, 2022
when the recipient of the art of the blowjob decides to upsmack the bitch with his hand on the back of her head at the point of cumming her brains out so as to incite that very spewage to come out her nose.
by Eddie V August 12, 2004
While recieving a blowjob. You punch the girl in the face right when you cum so that it comes out of her nose.
by XRT March 20, 2003
When getting a blowjob you push the girls head down so hard when you cum that both blood and cum shoot out her nose.... creating a red cum dragon
by Troy April 24, 2003