by Bobby De Niro October 31, 2005
by shanedashiz July 30, 2010
by WILODR July 2, 2021
We were having the greatest night of our lives until those 2 canker sores showed up and they wouldn't leave. It always takes too long for a canker sore to go away.
by g_lo_t December 14, 2013
A sore one gets when he forgets to wipe his anus and then precedes to participate in athletic activities. The sore is generally very rashed and dirty. While the only cure being human saliva, one must physically eat his own Kentucky Canker sore out of his asshole or ask a friend/relative for assistance.
When Fred couldn't bare his "Kentucky Canker Sore" anymore he just decided to call up his buddy Tim.
by AJ&KEVIN November 5, 2010