Call me Ishmael

Iconic opening line of Herman Melville's book "Moby Dick".
Also a clever phrase used to signal the sighting of fat chick insinuating she is as big as a whale. (i.e. Moby Dick; the white whale)
John: Woah dude, look at that fat chick over there

Jack: Call me Ishmael!
by Captain-Ahab December 23, 2012
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call me carson

A sexy person that is truly a god at minecraft, and has a big mine shaft.
by svdbiolbzj October 11, 2019
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call me someday

the phrase you want to utter after the best lay of your life so far has dumped you for another, but you refrain because you don't want to sound pathetic. nevertheless, deep down you hope they'll come to their senses and come crawling back for more 'cause you, too, were the best lay of their life so far.
i emailed said person to let said person know that i was no longer interested in seeing said person. and when said person dropped by that night to pick up said person's stuff, all i wanted to say was, "call me someday." instead, said person just shrugged and apologized, and i just muttered, "it's okay."
by Furrowed Brow April 21, 2004
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Call me back

To call someone later after a short conversation
Sam:How are you bro ?

Logan:Hey man I'm attending a seminar at the moment.
Sam:Alright dude call me back
by Mojomiah February 10, 2018
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Call me Asparagus

Words spoken by DJ Khalid to mean that you're specifically hungry for asparagus that day
DJ Khalid: Call me asparagus
You: All alright let me get some asparagus for you.
by FunniManHeHeHeHa September 27, 2023
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call me soup

A reply in the negative sense, ie "No". Often used in response to an question devised to elicit a negative reply.
"You want to go jump off that steep cliff?", "You can call me soup".
by Bob O'Young January 29, 2003
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call me someday

something a guy sez to a girl if he doesn't really want to do anything with her except fuck her and even then she has to make the first move so that he knows up front she's a sure thing
she:"Can I see you again?"

he:"Yeah,call me someday"
by Jake April 26, 2004
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