Call Me Ugly

Call me ugly I still fucked yo bitch!
This phrase is for Indians that are wannabe blacks.

We call them Call me uglies
by Lil FI August 30, 2018
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you calling me a lier

Well I ain't calling you a truther
In Drake and Josh Drake and Josh you calling me a lier
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call me papi

He is one of the top warzone 60fps just like stomypooh hes the best fortnite gamer hes a real gamer
call me papi and stomy is natsy at sucking big cock
by gcy3evcu3rc3r February 24, 2022
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the streets call me

every soundcloud rapper has "the streets call me ____"

but jah can use it :P
the streets call me young dagger dick, thats my handle !!
by spotlight ah moonlight ah September 11, 2022
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A catchphrase for anybody that doesn't have a catchphrase. It could also be used if you want fucked in the ass and called Billy because it's a cheeseburger
Hey EDP445, Fuck Me In The Ass and Call Me Billy, That's a Cheeseburger, SHIT, NOT LIKE THAT EDP!!!
by Elmos_Wife April 27, 2023
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Late night when you need my love
Call me on my cell phone
Late night when you need my love
And I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
I know when that hotline bling
That can only mean one thing
Ever since I left the city, you
Got a reputation for yourself now
Everybody knows and I feel left out
Girl you got me down, you got me stressed out
Cause ever since I left the city, you
Started wearing less and goin' out more
Glasses of champagne out on the dance floor
Hangin' with some girls I've never seen before
Guy 1: bro
Guy 2: what
Guy 1: You used to call me on your cell phone, right?
Gyt 2: yeah.
by septuagint bambi July 17, 2024
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