A combo of bad words turned in to 1 frankenstien bad word the word is fuckin nigger cunt then it was made in to mother fuckin nigger cunt then turned in to mother fuckin nigger cunt nazi then finally turned in to mother fuckin nigger cunt nazi unicorn. Michal Showalter &Michal Ian Black made the word on there show Michal & Michal have issues
Your a mother fucking nigger cunt nazi unicorn. F-N-C Word
by jjazz0329 July 16, 2009
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"chutiya" a hindi word that literally means "dumb ass" but the "ass" part is replaced with cunt
mark: ayo c-word
johnny: dare you call me that again
by remjumqueen September 18, 2023
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Another way of saying cancer
Friend A: I beat the C word!
Friend B: I’m so happy for you
by Tanmi August 1, 2022
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