Newark. NJ.
The home of Redman and the Outsiderz. (Pace Won, DU, Denzy, Nawshis, Azz-iz, Yah Yah, Young Zee.
The home of Redman and the Outsiderz. (Pace Won, DU, Denzy, Nawshis, Azz-iz, Yah Yah, Young Zee.
The Bricks is the most hard-core ghetto out there. Don't come to the bricks unless yo' packing heat.
by ive-ree September 9, 2003
by Vatu October 31, 2013
by Shaney Fawn December 17, 2008
In a state of great fear, very scared/in the process of 'shitting a brick'. (UK slang-derived from being so scared that you 'shit a brick')
'As the headmaster could be heard coming up the stairs to the girls dormitories me and my mates were bricking it'.
by Cephalopod55 August 29, 2020
Dan: Man, I had the best steak at Outback the other day...
Mike: Dang, I haven't been to Outback in a brick!
Mike: Dang, I haven't been to Outback in a brick!
by Kaceboss_ December 20, 2016
He was bricking it, before I even took a swing at him.
I was bricking it the first time I went on a plane.
I was bricking it the first time I went on a plane.
by AL January 22, 2004
by NappyNo August 7, 2017