noun (plural: breaths)
a tobacco cigarette, bummed from a buddy or some random dude, either of corporate manufacture, or hand rolled for the masses: the tight wallets, heavy smokers, or those aiming for the hipster appearance, while actually having neither affliction. Or: a drag, puff or toke therein.
a tobacco cigarette, bummed from a buddy or some random dude, either of corporate manufacture, or hand rolled for the masses: the tight wallets, heavy smokers, or those aiming for the hipster appearance, while actually having neither affliction. Or: a drag, puff or toke therein.
The scene outside a bar in D.C., band members light celebratory cigarettes after playing to a sell out crowd:
Brit 1 lights a cigarette.
Brit 2: can a get breath?
Brit 1: sorry man, he only had two left, but wouldn't give his last one away.
Brit 2: bummer.
a beat.
Brit 2: can i get a drag then?
Brit 1: yea Billy, go head.
Brit 1 lights a cigarette.
Brit 2: can a get breath?
Brit 1: sorry man, he only had two left, but wouldn't give his last one away.
Brit 2: bummer.
a beat.
Brit 2: can i get a drag then?
Brit 1: yea Billy, go head.
by DebasicInstincts March 29, 2012
this is something to be feared. for it can be deadly. or it can smell minty fresh. breath is one quick and terrible way to kill a man. breath is deadly.
Justin: "OMG DID YOU SMELL THAT?!?!?!"
Melia: "yeah man, that was breath. Jonathon done dropped dead it was so bad."
Melia: "yeah man, that was breath. Jonathon done dropped dead it was so bad."
by nobodyimportant1996 May 7, 2012
The act of getting on your knees and elbows with an arched back and having air insert into your butthole and pushing it back out with a possible noise accompanying it. Just like breathing from the ass.
by Bugbitch November 13, 2020
by Xovain August 28, 2018
when someone has bad breath. you look at them say breath, look them up and down lika bitch and walk off.
by smittysmiatt121 August 5, 2011
by asiansarecool January 28, 2006
by Cabbage_Pult November 14, 2020