It’s like dad bod but with more knee pain
Dude, ever since getting out of the military, I hate running because of my Army bod. Everything just hurts.
by Not an army guy November 5, 2018
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by HELL BOD GROOD April 4, 2023
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Any kind of cosmetic body enhancement, e.g. breast implants, face lift, rhinoplasty, etc.
Craig: "Do you think those tittays are fo' real?"

Fed: "No way man, that chick got some bod mods, straight up."
by tobiased July 11, 2008
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The best guy you could meet, great personality and squeaky clean, he’ll always be the clown of the group and even as an adult still shows his childish side
Bod Beddows is a real nice guy, but he does often show his childish side
by Doodle:) February 13, 2018
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The absolute culmination of muscle definition, body builder, and dad-bod all built into one divine perfect body type, term worthy for only one man; the great Lord Zail. A divine dragon god deserving of worship.
Acolyte 1: Look at our Lord! He's got his perfect Zail-Bod going!
Acolyte 2: Oh fuuuck so hot!!
by Acolyte_Ashe May 11, 2024
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