used in stead of "long story short" , "never mind the details", "and from here to there", can also be in place of "voila"
guy 1 : How'd you find the money?
guy 2: I went down to carlito's pub, talked to a few people,asked a few questions, took a short drive, Bada bing, Bada boom !, theres the money
guy 2: I went down to carlito's pub, talked to a few people,asked a few questions, took a short drive, Bada bing, Bada boom !, theres the money
by rawdogingbagel February 19, 2016
by Huyen August 8, 2005
"we just jack the beer, run to the crib, go see the bitches, fuck em, split, go home and sleep; bada bing bada boom nicca
by Big MACK April 29, 2003
A phrase used to express a situation from its beginning to its end without devulging the details. A Gangsta's secret code for jacking someone.
by Gina MS July 30, 2005
an overused expression from illiterate morons that ape pretend Mafia language. Usually associated with B or C list 'sellebrities'
that wise-guy wannabe kept trying to work bada bing, bada boom into the conversation, but it was apparent that he should stick to delivering pizzas
by Get Literate September 3, 2005
a word that a certain student at our school likes to say all the time when he is in a nervous situation or..well..any other time. He also needs to cut his fucking finger nails.
by newyorker987345 April 29, 2009
by Danny Spozz July 18, 2005