by Tabatha April 24, 2005
by Seth-thegay April 24, 2009
by imnottryingtooffendyou October 6, 2010
by lode June 8, 2004
baby dyke weekend is the name given by the locals of Provincetown to Memorial day weekend. This is due to the large number of younger lesbians who seemingly invade Provincetown. It is one of the only times when the number of lesbians is higher than the number of gay men. The lesbians present on this weekend tend to range in age from college up to mid thirties, and the spring break feeling of the weekend is undeniable.
by Agi May 31, 2008
The mysterious inborn quantum-like power baby dykes have to project sexuality instantaneously over any distance.
Baby dyke sex rays can be transmitted in person, over the telephone, via text message, via email, regular post, or even - some would argue - thought itself. The transmission of the sex rays may be intentional or accidental on the part of the baby dyke.
Upon striking most any more mature / experienced lesbian, the sex rays have the effect of an profoundly potent aphrodesiac, and can also foster feelings of protectiveness, friendship, and love.
It should be noted that while some very few lesbians are almost completely immune, most are not, and will usually succumb to the sex rays eventually whether they want to or not.
Baby dyke sex rays can be transmitted in person, over the telephone, via text message, via email, regular post, or even - some would argue - thought itself. The transmission of the sex rays may be intentional or accidental on the part of the baby dyke.
Upon striking most any more mature / experienced lesbian, the sex rays have the effect of an profoundly potent aphrodesiac, and can also foster feelings of protectiveness, friendship, and love.
It should be noted that while some very few lesbians are almost completely immune, most are not, and will usually succumb to the sex rays eventually whether they want to or not.
Dyke 1: I'm going out with Jessica later.
Dyke 2: Dude... She's like 19!!
Dyke 1: I know... I know... She got me with the baby dyke sex rays!
Dyke 2: Dude... She's like 19!!
Dyke 1: I know... I know... She got me with the baby dyke sex rays!
by Honor January 20, 2006