A (usually) young woman found on sites like www.sugarchance.com
My sugar baby took all my money now I'm bankrupt
by JaneRRRRR January 8, 2022
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the youtube channel that serves fetish videos to impressionable children
Dad: Hey son how are you doing? I came back with the milk!
5 year old after watching Baby Zoo: UHH YES DADDY PLEASE INFLATE ME UHH YES I'M FUCKING CU-
Dad: goodbye, son.
by iminhellplshelpahhh August 7, 2024
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An assignment you have to do in health class

Basically take a sack of flour and treat it As a baby

And you run the risk of dropping it.
Me: "I have to do the flour baby assignment after the long weekend."
My friend: "damn, can't be that hard"
*one week goes by*
Teacher: aight everyone! Today is the day where we do the project!
Me internally: "NOOOOOOOOOO"
by kawaiirush February 16, 2022
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That guy I hooked up with got baby flakes all over my bed sheets!
by Anita Dyck July 5, 2024
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1. When the L.A Chargers lose to the N.E Patriots 28-41 in the divisional round .

2. To be stuck in a moment of sadness or depression. When the party is definitely not ready to start
Example 1
A: yo man I’m super sad rn my friend Cassidy just died .

B: yooo.. bolt down baby .. bolt down

Example 2

L.A Charger fans around the world : “ bolt
Down baby
by Sbr2thliontiger January 16, 2019
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A phrase used to describe someone who struggles with buoyancy while scuba diving and therefore, moves their legs quickly to keep the trim of a normal diver; similar to the way a toddler would walk. Not to be confused with bicycling.
I felt like I had baby legs in the water today.
by JJsaysno. December 9, 2022
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