A word to describe someone who does something to make it easier and more comfortable for an autist to be in a certain environment.
Oh my days, Alexander is so autismo coolo.
by kristheautist October 10, 2023
Jesse: That sounds like Autismo right there.
Austin: HA HA HA
Me: Heh...The. What.
Jesse: You know, Logan...Autism...Autismo?...
Me: Oh ya...that makes sense.
Austin: HA HA HA
Me: Heh...The. What.
Jesse: You know, Logan...Autism...Autismo?...
Me: Oh ya...that makes sense.
by Gypsylover...Racistim/Racisthe October 31, 2021
An Autistic retard or an insult
by 101defo February 25, 2019
Hay you you little autismo get back here before I tell you're autismo parents that you've been in the woman's wash room don't make me shoot you're neko neko kneecaps
by Mr'word maker May 17, 2022
by Xlaw November 29, 2020
The Spanish translation of "autism" which is a learning disability affecting a person's ability to communicate.
"Autismo" used in english is used to bully or insult autistic people.
"Autismo" used in english is used to bully or insult autistic people.
"Hahah look at autismo flapping their hands"
"Shut up Kyle or I'll flap them towards your face and ballsack"
"Shut up Kyle or I'll flap them towards your face and ballsack"
by loopylez April 18, 2022