If you're born on august 31st you're the sweetest person ever. That's it. You're just the bomb-diggity.
by tollywogs October 19, 2019
If u are lucky you are born on this day. Only GOATS are born on August 31. You are physically and mentally awesome.
by Boogieman53553 November 15, 2019
by DefinitionGuy2476 July 2, 2022
by I.M. Abdullah August 31, 2021
by Xai❢ July 30, 2022
by WAPslayer420 August 1, 2022
"On August 31st the person who basically invented sakuatsuiwaoi day was born on this day we celebrate the birth of omijime and sakuatsuiwaoi"
by Xai❢ July 30, 2022