
1. A troll who frequents the same chat room/game room with the express intent to annoy the regulars with ilk, foul language and total disgust and rudeness. Usually said assclown will end up getting the perma-mute by everyone.

2. In general, on the society totem pole, someone who is lower than an asshole or jack ass.
Room reg: Look! Our resident assclown just came in! Everyone initialize your perma-mute button, as he's going to do nothing more than troll and flood the chat with his foul mouth and stupidity.

Oh christ, the assclown is back. Mute now to avoid feeding the troll.
by The Saucy One November 24, 2009
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A person who is laughable and detestable at the same time.Usually

pretends to be a know-it-all,often

enhancing their stories,knowledge,

experience,and every thing in between

with pure bullshit.

E.g Jimmy Kimmel.
by Dunkaroo2 April 7, 2018
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1. One whose stupidity and/or ineptitude exceeds the descriptive potential of both the terms ass and clown in isolation, and in so doing demands to be referred to as the conjugate of the two.
In a "no surprise" decision, Assclown President Trump was bitch slapped by the 9th District Court of Appeals and schooled in basic 5th grade civics over his Executive Order banning travel from 7 mostly Muslim countries.
by BugEyeVan February 10, 2017
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One that is a complete mistake to existence, and absolutely terrible at everything they do.
For those who play Call of Duty/other related video games:

"That guy I just knifed is an assclown."
"Get knifed, assclown."

For regular use:
"Wow, look at that guy. What an assclown."
by Kain91 April 27, 2010
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A mear generic insult, the true meaning of this word is one that insults the person's purpose in society.
I suggest you get moving, Assclown!
by silenceisgoldie July 22, 2008
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The most common rationalization for this term is "I am not a clown made of ass, how dare you accuse me of being such!" In all reality, the term "assclown" is much deeper than one would be lead to believe.

Assclown is possibly the worst insult you could give a person, and is in most cases synonymous with "failure at life."
"Oh, hey, yeah, you see that Russian guy? Yeah, he's an assclown."

"You're an assclown, Val."
by margaretlillian April 8, 2010
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