an ass sniffer is a creature by the name of jessie. WELLNESS CHECK!
by kill king October 17, 2022
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look at all of those feet loving ass sniffers over there.
by Hdhdjdssampgishrur June 9, 2023
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Someone you know of but never meet who causes money to be charged to you surprisingly and unnecessarily so their identity can be kept a mystery. Often like someone who comes up and pinches you from behind (both of which is surprising and unnecessary.) This is often a way for the middle man to make money off of both parties.
I'm tired of using a middle man. My lawyer needs to give me the number of this ass pincher so we can meet personally and avoid any other charges due to miscommunication.
by MovinMocassins March 31, 2016
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An ass pincher. Pinches ass. Never pinches tits or vagina, just ass.
Man, what an ass pincher! I want him so baaad!
by hyperass October 22, 2021
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the act of being a nimrod and being on that fungy shit.
oh wow, look at Noah he's such a fung ass
by joshcleats45 June 20, 2019
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The name of the guy in a relationship where a chick is just using the guy she’s with but he thinks she loves him
“Man - if that guy only knew how she really felt about him ….. he’s such a smacked ass!”
by MollyRust September 21, 2022
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You yell this after stubbing your toe, or when something bad happens, or if something is to expensive. like the equivalent of shit, or son of a bitch. This is just a much more fun way of showing your cussing knowledge.
by cussergeniass October 2, 2019
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