a race of people that have the ability to design and build great car's but yet they lack the skill to drive them

have the ability to piss off english, spanish speakers
asian drivers are


fail to indicate
drive at rediculas speed
fail to obey road rules
fail to stop at stop sign
kurb mag wheels
50 % vision at all times
fail to understand english

have the ability to piss off locals
by the western society December 1, 2011
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An driver who is constantly persecuted by white Americans because they're jealous of her higher academic grades.
If you get into an accident involving an Asian Driver, the chances are it's your fault.
by blueFlameBat May 31, 2006
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The stereotypical slow driver who drives at 40 km/h (25 mph) in Canada and the U.S. on the fast lane because the lanes are too wide. However, it is the opposite situation back in Asia. In Asia (especially Hong Kong), the Asian driver is the one who makes unneccesary lane changes at over 120 km/h (75 mph) by signalling too fast and not shoulder checking on extremely ridiculous narrow lanes. However, they are somehow so pro that Hong Kong's accident rate is so low. But still, foreigners driving in Hong Kong are suspectible to accidents.
Surely, these Asian Drivers may be idiots here in Vancouver doing 40k on the passing lane. But when I rented a car in Hong Kong, couldn't believe they are so wrecklessly fast!
by ckckds August 12, 2010
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-American Rice-Rocketeer: these are young, American born Asians who drive supped-up Japanese cars with weird lights, extra gauges, custom rims, and a lowered car. They are most annoying on the freeway, where they drive in the middle lane at 60MPH and always keep a 40 car distance between themselves and the car in front of them. They also have the fascinating tendency to not base their speed off of what their speedometer says, but by who is trying to pass them. This leads to them speeding up when you approach and slowing down when you get stuck and have to slow. Sometimes, Rice-Rocketeers trade in their brethren's cars and buy BMW's. However, they still act the same way. Also, it must be noted that this particular breed of Asian Driver has the curious tendency of backing their car up into parking spaces as opposed to driving into them. This always results in about 5 re-tries that hold up other parkers waiting their turn, and also tends to lead to a poor parking job with their car twisted or crooked in the space. No known answer for this strange, seemingly detrimental ritual has yet been found.
Hey look, theres an Asian Driver with a pointlessly decked out mazda, it must belong to a Rice Rocketeer. He could prolly smoke any of us with that car!

No way man, he's going 62mph, and he's gonna keep going 62mph.

What a fricken waste of a supped up engine then!
by Alucard van der Shwei December 4, 2011
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Asian drivers are drivers just like everyone else. But for some strange reason, white people like to think that Asians are not good at driving. It is unknown how this untrue rumor came to be, but it is just another stereotype perpetuated by Americans because their lives are so empty and worthless that they need to make fun of other people.
I am an Asian driver and I have not gotten in a wreck or have gotten ticketed ever. But, according to Americans, because I'm Asian I am immediately a bad driver.

Good logic, no wonder America is full of idiots...
by RebelX August 20, 2008
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The phrase used when an asian gook slope is seen on the road.
lifelong: Oh shit, there's an asian on the road! I think it might be bobbyjoedoodle.
MonthlyLs: K I'm about to head out. You know what they say. Asian driver no survivor.
by polrs September 25, 2019
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An Asian who typically drives a Toyota Camry. Sometimes they crash, sometimes they don't indicate but they never speed. usually, an old Asian grandpa or dad who doesn't speak good English and has a semi-bald head
Oh nice, our neighbour is an Asian Toyota Camry Driver.
Look at the Asian Toyota Camry Driver's Car!
by Camry Driver October 10, 2022
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