am i gay?

something you type into google, knowing full well that you are
by elwyngs June 9, 2020
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am i gay

you may ask yourself "am i gay"

the answer?

by i AM the gay November 9, 2018
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Am I gay?

If you are looking this up as a genuine question, yes. You are very much gay. Infact, you're the gayest of the gay.

Most young gay people look this up, even if they know they probably are.
Kid: Searchs "am I gay?" into google
google: you are the gayest of the gay for looking that up
by I AM QUEER *all might face* November 23, 2021
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Am I gay?

A very sweet trio that consists of Kadirah and Mya which are my gay little best friends, the origin for this dumb little group is that mya was like “oh yes we should make a trio with kad and you” to make our other friends mad!!!!!!! And then the name Am I gay? Came from when Kad had found Something on Google probably and was like “mya is the Am , I am I, and Cody is Gay?” !!! Because Kad said I’m gay for arsenium which is very true.
Aww I love the Am I gay? Trio!!! So cute
by Mydogis April 19, 2022
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Am I gay

We’ll, you could be. Or. Bi. Or pan. Or Omni. Or Demiromantic. Look up a list of sexualities and there meanings. But if you literally don’t know what that means, LOOK IT UP B*TCH (which is technically what you just did but like, in an actual “trusted” place, I mean c’mon)
Am I gay
I dunno, do you feel *lists definitions of all sexualities an’ such*
by LunaAstrid77 May 10, 2022
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am i gay test

a commonly used google search by gay people who are either in denial, questioning or need re-assurance
person 1: omg are you gay
person 2: idk but i took an am i gay test and it said i was
by a narcissistic arse bitch July 17, 2021
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