amazing hockey player. who gets a lot of girls with his freakishly amazing good looks, hilarious personality and his big dick. Not ginger. And a total beast at EVERYTHING.
by bobby great uncle June 19, 2009
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Zedekiah is a name that has been used throughout history. From the Biblical side or kings in history. In the twentieth century there has been A boy named Zedekiah. He will grow to a man a fierce man a wealthy men. An important man, as said in legend. He will learn of his father Become an infantry fighter, then to a Millionaire His Name Zedekiah Senior or Zman .
Zedekiah Senior Was a great man
by Zedekiah Senior May 2, 2023
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Zedekiah Is the man of money and wealth
Zedekiah Senior has 15000 Units
by Zedekiah Senior May 2, 2023
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