Talking about something that happened with your mom the previous night.

Guy 1: Hey Bill guess what.
Guy 2: What?
by MilkywayGalaxy 420 September 24, 2020
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To have your dad transgender and lesbian for your mother and to have your mother transgender and gay for your father
Hd was told by Myles and Dalton: “Yo Mom Gay and yo dad Lesbian
by Winner67 March 10, 2019
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the most powerful insult in excistance. when you used againts someone their carrier is over. the only comeback is "no u"
in which occasion you can only say "yo mom and dad gay together" to make the other look up directions on how to pour

cold water on the burn. commonly changed to "mom gay" so that the normies wont understand it.
Jon:yo mom gay
Greg:no u
Jon:yo mom and dad gay together
Greg:*gets destroyed*
by petraklas June 24, 2019
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90s comeback for roasts (old people still say it)
Billybobby: Your mom is so ugly that the dentist makes her lay face down.
Bobby: Yo mom!!
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Yo mom means that you had to run from yo mom
Guy: I got to run from yo mom
poop: why?
by smthboutyou May 28, 2021
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