A group of people who crash parties, cause havoc in the party that they crash, and start fights with people as well as jump people. They also participate in taking drugs and marijuana.
There was a Wok at my party. they started so much shit.

A Wok came to my party as well
by DickyCock July 10, 2018
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This kid who hacks whos named cam
"I built like, 4 ork barraks. This nigga comes over with his fuckin hero and kills 2 of them in one hit.... is that nigga usin hacks?"
by m4st3r May 3, 2005
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Wow ok combined as one
"I saw a velociraptor on the way here."

by Beesechurger-Senpai May 14, 2021
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To stay wok you must learn buy opening a pack of ramen noodles and then open up NBA 2k17 while pulling the 99 pink diamond Kobe card and then you will be officially wokr than wok
1.)Stay wok. 2.) brah you need to get wok, GET WOK MAN. 3.) #staywok
by Wok atron 5000 September 11, 2017
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Wok wok is also know as meth ice,cream or crystal ..
Gots some wok wok so we can be up and talk talk
by Cousin82 April 23, 2018
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Dwayne the Wok Johnson (also known short as The Wok)
Is the arch-enemy of Zhong Xina

for as long ago,

The Wok is leading the social credit leaderboards for more than a hundred years now
but then suddenly from the darkness... The legendary Zhong Xina with his bing chilling has been summoned!
They had fought for ages for the first place of the social credit leaderboards
but alas... the fight has ended and Zhong Xina has won!!!
but all was lost for the Wok who is still holding a grudge since the fight.
The Wok is planning for revenge for Zhong Xina

to be continued...
by woolf🦊 December 14, 2021
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when u wake feeling like a plate
I wokked up today and had a cat for breakfast
by spaceweed October 24, 2023
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