White Christmas

Why is there white stuff on your nose?

Oh, man I just had me a white christmas
by BootyWarrior89 December 21, 2014
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Your typical ejaculating over a females head while christmas carols play, real standard stuff.
Keith: What did you get your girlfriend for her christmas
Carl: In front of her family, I started dreaming of a white christmas all over her.
Carols Ejaculating Standard
by Jerry mctits May 26, 2016
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white Christmas log

This is a scenario in which a female (lactating mom) “in a surprise fashion” lactating on
Your Partner whilst they are going to the bathroom and is in mid poop on the toilet. Making your partner feel like they are getting a cold shower of breast milk.
Suddenly as I looked up I was getting showered with my wife’s breast milk instead of saying I am pooping here and freaking out you say “stop giving me a white Christmas log”


Why am I getting sprayed on by … ahh! You white Christmas logged me!
by ask_about_my_winston2 November 16, 2022
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