
Yoga pants
And a white and gold iPhone6
Guy: damn girls and their WHITE GIRL CHRISTMAS LIST
Girl: don't judge me in moccasins and yoga pants make me look hot
by Dragondrakester December 18, 2015
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White christmas

Baby.. here’s your white Christmas *cums inside*
by WADA WADA December 30, 2023
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White Christmas

The act of doing cocaine inside a glass bowl, which creates a snowglobe-like effect.
Man last night was great, me and some whore pulled a White Christmas!
by McDonaldsSprite July 17, 2022
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White Christmas

Damn son, you plowed her thoroughly and gave her a white christmas
by Waiting Input... December 20, 2023
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White Christmas

Is when you are going to a party, where it is so much GODAMN cocaine for you and all of your friends to snort until you're dead.
How was the party?
It was awesome, and we bought so much cocaine, to say it at least, it was a white christmas!
by SheepbloodfromAustralia December 2, 2017
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White Christmas

The art of having extremely kinky sex in a hotel in the month of December and when you have finished you leave without cleaning up your "mess".
Guy: Hey baby wanna have a white Christmas
Girl: You know I do

Guy: How bout that hotel right around the corner
Girl: Sure, shall I bring our box full of toys?
Guy: Yup
by IHOP Eating Cow Zombie December 20, 2015
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White Christmas

When a guy cums on someone's face on Christmas Eve at 12:59:99
Guy 1: Bro I have a white Christmas yesterday
Guy 2: fukin nice bro how'd she take it?
by I wAnT mEh LeMoNs December 20, 2019
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