white christmas

When you toilet paper someone's house on Christmas, they get a White Christmas.
I'm gonna give you a White Christmas... baby
by Sterlhasasmallhead December 18, 2004
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white christmas

Serving up an ice cream cone, with delicious sperm topping.
All Jane ever wanted was a "white christmas" with Joe.
by Mr Winkie July 16, 2006
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white christmas

Having a large number of oxy contin or percocets to enjoy for yourself or with other people. Preferably a high dosage as well
O man my dealer came through, where having a white christmas tonight
by streetthug23 December 10, 2008
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white christmas

It's another name for a wet dream.
Last night I had a white christmas in your bed.
by Lub27 February 12, 2007
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white christmas tree

When you finish jacking off and the cum soars up into the air and land on your pubes and have it hang there like snow on a Christmas tree.
-Yo I just bust a nut and I've got a white Christmas tree.

-At least you dont have any dingleberries.
by The dick duo February 9, 2018
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White Christmas Surprise

The act of a man ejaculating on his hand after receiving oral sex and slapping his partner in the face.
Yo last night was so amazing I gave Gracey a White Christmas Surprise!!!
by Hissori Renda May 31, 2010
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When you blow a few grams to an ounce of cocaine into a woman's anus and proceed to have anal sex with her.
El Chapo enjoys having Columbian white Christmases with only the most high end prostitutes.
by Rew fergelle December 9, 2015
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