Whipping the cream

I caught my friend whipping the cream and asked me if I wanted it on my dessert.
by elmacko October 16, 2012
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whip the cream

When a gentleman deposits his ejaculate into his lucky partner's splatterbox, he then withdraw's and treats the lucky recipient to a spot of fingerblasting. The rapid mixing of semen and air during this post-coitus treat, churns the substance into a white froth. Thereby whipping the cream.
She'd been a rather good girlfriend lately so I thought I'd give her a treat once I finished. I decided to bring her to orgasm by using my fingers to whip the cream.
by The Iron Weasel October 15, 2015
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Whip your Cream

A more formal way to say Beat your Meat. Masturbation at its finest.
Leave some freshly whipped cream for some strawberries!
1. "You're so horny man. Go Whip your Cream, duh."

2. James:"Dude, I Whipped my Cream so hard, and now the cream's everywhere!"
Robby :"You're absolutely disgusting James..."
by Franckyboyyy October 26, 2018
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whipped cream

kinky in a kan
get some whipped cream and we'll have some fun!!!
by ImSoHoRnYsExPlZ August 24, 2008
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Whipped Cream

When you whip a busted nut.
After a fateful evening in bed with my unknown gender companion, I whipped cream and it splashed literally everywhere.
by Your Mom's Gay February 2, 2019
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whipped cream

Other than honey, the best food that tastes better when it's on a woman's body.
Yo baby bring that thang over here so I can put some whipped cream on you.
by TenInchPlaya August 20, 2006
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whipped cream

a really sweet thing to put on

1)ice cream
3)your man
Put some whipped cream on me baby

Yes, sir!
by 44dinablowurhorn44 May 3, 2007
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