Wear the hat

To walk the talk, present the stone, you are the shit and anyone who has their brains fully on will know you are wearing the hat. When you are the polymath, still remain humble about it even thru successful pioneering. Don't take shit from the miserable nagging crows that talk shit and eat shit. You are a peaceful lion. A king or queen. Welcome to the pack.
Do whatever you have to do to figure things out. Wear the hat. Because only you know how it needs to fit.
by Retrostyle December 1, 2020
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Wearing The Hat

A term used to describe when one is high on marijuana
by depressfox November 15, 2010
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Millions wear the hats

A silly meme about gnomes living in the forest

It is mostly featured on tiktok/instagram
Millions wear the hats, they notice me trying to find them
by thetruthishereyes May 24, 2023
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millions wear the hats

millions wear the hats/millions wear hats is a nazi dog whistle commonly accompanied by “gnome hunting“ which means hunting jews.
person 1: millions wear the hats
person 2: stfu cringe nazi 🤓
by vTv April 23, 2023
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Millions Wear The Hats

A Neo-Nazi dog whistle used to refer to Jews, usually also saying “we need to hunt them” aka we need to hunt/kill the Jews

Usually used in a deceitfully innocent way.
Person 1: I wonder if gnomes are real

Nazi: Millions Wear The Hats

Person 1: They sure do, wonder why?

Person 2: It’s a Nazi dog whistle

Person 1: Oh
by ShortBlackMan April 25, 2023
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wear the hat

I want to wear the hat with that guy.
by Serenity82 September 21, 2008
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wear the hat ride the cowboy - You’re having sexual relations the person who’s hat you’re wearing.

A practice in the south, at least in Texas, where a guy will give you his hat to let other guys know you are taken.
“Omg, Amy! Randy gave me his hat,” said Julia.

You know what that means,” said Amy.

“No,” said Julia.

“wear the hat ride the cowboy,” said Amy. Ok
by Green carrot June 1, 2023
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