it was supposed to be a dictionary for words but become a mindless shitty thing for jokes and sexual stuff and more.
tommy: MAMA

mom:kid why u cry


mom:fuck u

tommy: why is urban dictionary a thing
by My Password January 21, 2023
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A phrase no one has, or will ever hear
*purely fiction*

No one: "I bought An Urban Dictionary Mug!"

No ome else because this is a hupothetical:
by Agent_Z January 13, 2025
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When you ban someone or something from somewhere
E.i:Urban man from the mall
by Potatoegilz July 16, 2021
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When you type a word that you think is creative, but 3 months later, you get a response saying "no".
Bro, this was an amazing word, why did urban dictionary deny my word? They could've at least not make me wait 3 months for a response.
by Indianboy1278372345566778 September 23, 2020
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There usually young men from mid teens to early 20s who are usually loners who don't like to associate with any particular social trend or norm. They usually live in small rural towns where they don't really fit in. They are the type that wears leather jackets in the spring and uses exes gel in his hair and when he grows up hopes to move out of his small town to a big city
"Man that boy over there kinda of a loner in this small town what a urban hillbilly"
by otto36 June 16, 2015
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A less expensive version of the sport polo in which horses are replaced with bicycles, the plastic ball is replaced with a street hockey ball, and mallets are replaced with hockey sticks. Also, instead of a grass field, urban polo is played on concrete (a street, a parking lot, etc).

Urban polo is set up just like polo or street hockey, with a goal on opposite sides of the field and teams of two or more.
"Hey man, want to play some polo this weekend?"
"You know I can't afford a horse, let's play urban polo instead."
by shendrickson March 26, 2008
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An urban pickle is an infected penis, or a man that has a STD such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes etc. A penis so infected pus may be coming out, or sores on it. Described this way, because of how a pickle is green with bumps on the outside.
Can be used to insult a man, because he will screw anything, so Urban Pickle implies he is Nasty, gross, disgusting, and diseased.
" Girl, the only thing I see in this club is a jar full of Urban Pickles..."
"You best be getting tested been tasting too many urban pickles"
"No, I won't give you my number, I don't do Urban Pickles"
by RMB68 February 5, 2016
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