Derived from "unfriending" someone on Facebook, to "unfriend" somebody in the real world is to stop acknowledging their presence. Instead of looking at them as you pass by, basically you just ignore them as if you had never met them.

Getting unfriended is especially weird when you know somebody by virtue of your participation in a group or team — which normally gives you at least a mild sense of camaraderie — but the person who unfriends you still insists on basically ignoring you.
It's official. JoBob unfriended me. I saw him in the hall yesterday and he didn't even acknowledge that we had ever met.
by Ae5Ea8 April 3, 2015
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Bob: i am going to unfriend you.
Joe: no dont unfriend me
by word bank 1223457688458357 February 10, 2010
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The act of removing someone from your Facebook 'Friends List'. Or in other words acting like a 'Girl'. If you're a dude and you do this, you should consider growing some.
He was afraid to confront his friend(s), so he took the path of a pussy and unfriended them.
by Surly Sue January 28, 2012
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A person who used to have friends, but no longer does.
Girl1: I heard she became unfriended.
Girl2: That is so sad!
by no way man September 5, 2005
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unfriend: noun. 1) An enemy. 2) A misbehaved friend. 3) An object that displeases.
1) He is my worst unfriend.
2) I think I liked you better when you were an unfriend.
3) Keep that unfriend away from me!
by Marcus Macdonald May 22, 2008
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Some shitty horror film that came out in spring of 2015 about a dead chick who kills her friends with computer hacking and supernatural ass-fuckery. Whoever thought this was a compelling plot device should be thrown off the back of a speeding pickup truck and into a river in a body bag, weighed down with cinderblocks.

-Guy: "yeah, right, it was like, bro. Damn."

-Me: "Who thought this was a good idea, that's like two hours of my life I ain't gettin' back."
by Regie Buffalo April 24, 2015
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It is when your friend finds a new piece of ass/interest and you soon find yourself becoming nonexistent to them. Its more common between a male and female friendship then a same sex friendships.
Megan: "Hey have you noticed since Brad started talking to Kelly he stopped talking to me."
Steve: "Sorry to say this but no matter how you look at it you are in The UNfriend-zone."
by Dat Vern August 18, 2012
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