When you discover a public toilet that is slopping overboard with water-logged commercial-grade toilet paper, and feces recognizably the result of a two-bowl visit to HuHot.
I had to go so bad but the only open stall was a South Dakota Hot tub.
by Iseeu81mi July 2, 2022
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Someone who's just wild about Harry and Harry's wild about her.
I'm suing my boyfriend for marriage under the Americans with Disabilities Act on the grounds were trying to mutually sabotage our Pursuit of Happiness as incarcerated individuals. We and are friends are tub thumpers in this cause.
by Poquets January 13, 2023
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When one man places his penis in another mans ass crack
Let’s grout the tub tonight after the kids are asleep.
by killercrock6969 May 11, 2018
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verb: The act of peeing in the pool or some other body of water
Mikayla: "Hey why is the water so warm"
John: "I was hot tubbing it."
Mikayla: "Ewwww"
by WaterWarmer34 September 8, 2021
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