by flying crap bucket July 27, 2003
trogdor is worthy of my presenese as i am greatness trogdor rules all exept me "BURNATING THE COUNTRY SIDE BURNATING THE PEASENTS"!
bURNINATING THE PEPOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by THE GREATNESS April 9, 2003
A man, or maybe a dragon man, or maybe just a dragon, of Great Majesty. Created by Strong Bad and unable to be improved upon by Coach Z, Strong Mad, or Strong Sad. Trogdor is said to come in the night.
by Double-J September 28, 2003
A dragon drawn by Strong Bad. One of which likes to burninate peasants and THATCHED ROOFED COTTAGES!!!
by ... July 20, 2003
by heather seidel September 9, 2003
trogdor is an elvish plumber who deals in shotguns and sharp meat cutting utensils as a side job,his hobbies include,deepsea diving,counting his ongrowing eyelashes,and collecting small peelings of sunburned skin inwhich he collects from various nude beaches,he is neither dragon nor wasted menstration,he is alone and focused,he will forevermore be known as TROGDOR !!!!!!!
by BACHYNSKI July 19, 2003