
An alcoholic drink made from three shots of spirit (typically vodka) and then a mixer. Commonly found in the North East of England.
I had nine trebs last night, I got well mortal!
by SwiiindonLadd July 8, 2019
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Launching semen onto a woman's vagina from a distance of no less than one foot away.

Derived from Trebuchet, the medieval siege weapon.
Oh yeah, bro. I trebbed her from across the room last night.
by Petohtalrayn January 17, 2014
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Haha - ya Billy nae-pals, ya treb
by Jason Haxton April 5, 2006
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The gerund form of the verb To Treb. Trebbing is using Alex Trebek as a recreational drug. Side effects include Canadian heritage, smart ass knowledge, and an intense hatred for your tenured position.

Other street names include: Trib, Trob, Bacon n' Trebs, Fat Treb, Hot Treb, Deep Treble, That GOOD Shit, Trebicle, Treblesome, Trebdiculous, Treb Door, Trebpipulous, Trebdapadon.
Hey dudes, wanna go trebbing after school? My mom's not home.
5 bucks a treb, man. 10 for Final Jeopardy, and 20 for a Daily Double.
Outta my way! I'm going in my dressing room to treb. If anyone knocks their middle class knuckles on my door, I will murder you with this popular piece of lumber used to strike balls. The question, what is a fucking BASEBALL BAT???? I'll take get the FUCK OUT OF MY WAY for 400.
by Jolly Solly, Elysian Fields November 10, 2009
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trendie fusion (townie+greb=treb)yes my rocker friends they exist and they are kind to both sides of the war.
also called a townie with a heart.
rocker: hi dave you okay today?
treb: yeah i'll see you later
townie: a'reet yoof?
treb: yeah i'll see you later

see any trouble here?
by Ray February 4, 2005
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It means someone who smokes drugs that much that they walk around like a physcopathical patato. It can also mean a stoner parent. (Often used as an insult by Kimbo...)
"Mam you treb!"
by Paramoreandbmth October 14, 2015
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