Someone who uses elaborate plots, schemes, lies, or manipulations in order to get out of responsibility and/or grift someone.

The attempted use of elaborate plots, schemes, lies, or manipulations in order to get out of responsibility and/or grift someone.

Or the succesful attempt of elaborate plots, schemes, lies, or manipulations in order to get out of responsibility and/or grift someone.
Tony not only talked his way out the parking ticket, he got the meter maid's phone number. The guy is such a Tom Sawyer.

Larry tried to Tom Sawyer his way through the interview, but just couldn't keep his facts straight.

by Andrew Mullen May 18, 2007
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That one song by a given band that everyone knows, even if they know nothing else by the band.

Named for the song by Rush.
by nbmft13 July 12, 2015
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In the South along the Mississippi River, a Tom Sawyer is a lynched black man hanging from a tree whose roots are in the river--making the tree seemingly grow from the riverbed.
Mark Twain should change his name because he ain't that deep. The real Tom Sawyer was in need of a lawyer before he took the dead man's leap.
by Mamma Murder May 14, 2010
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A filtered drink with origins in South Eastern Minnesota. One part Root Beer, one part Lemonade, and a shot of Citris Juice (fresh squeezed oranges). The official party flavor of twenty first century America.
Hey bartender can I get another hit of OJ in my Tom Sawyer, I need that vitamin C pick-me-up!
by moyer_s6x February 15, 2009
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A drink that mixes lemon-lime Hawaiian Punch and Vodka.

aka: delicious
Guy #1: "Dude, what is that?"

Guy #2: "It's a Tom Sawyer. You want some?"

Guy #1: "Hell yeah I do."

(tastes drink)

Guy #1: "Shit's strong man"

Guy #2: "Real strong"
by goldenhurricane425 October 6, 2010
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When you start giving yourself a handjob (white washin') and then trick a bitch into finishing the job...
The Tom Sawyer, is when you text a girl to come over and you start masturbating before she comes, you talk her into finsihing you off and cuming.
by DCadvantages March 21, 2008
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An act whereby multiple men ejaculate on a woman simultaneously, as in bukkake or gang-bang porn. To "whitewash" someone with the help of friends.
"The Duke LaCrosse team was accused of "Tom Sawyering" a number of co-eds."
by DiabeticD September 6, 2009
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