Clint: Dude, why you're sending me "among us" memes? This game and memes about it are dead. Please stop dude.
Michael: When the pretender is mistrustful!
Clint: I really hate you.
Michael: When the pretender is mistrustful!
Clint: I really hate you.
by TheMistrustfulPretender April 19, 2021
by Yessirbross123 July 19, 2022
Who got the herbs when I’m dry means who has the weed when I don’t it’s from a reggae song but it’s fun to say to your friends
by Nickatnite40 November 17, 2020
Man 1: Did you see Josh got bullied for just simply drawing a rainbow?
Man 2: Yeah, I miss when rainbows were just rainbows.
Man 2: Yeah, I miss when rainbows were just rainbows.
by Boovian April 7, 2023
by TheMilkConsumer October 17, 2022
its when the me when the:
by TheMilkConsumer October 17, 2022
by Wowthisisnotcool May 17, 2023