Unicorns are a creature supposed to be mythical. The ones in myths are typically breathtakingly beautiful, and their horns are known to have magical properties. Unicorn blood will keep a person alive, or immortal even. While this type is not real, there is a unicorn that is. It is actually rather ugly, with no magical powers, but it is the national animal of Scotland. Look this up; you’ll see it’s true.
Other small fact: Marco Polo thought rhinos were unicorns!
Other small fact: Marco Polo thought rhinos were unicorns!
by Ok hun September 13, 2019
A horse with birth defects
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
A unicorn is a mythical, horse like creature. A unicorn has a horn on it's forehead and typically a long, flowing mane.
by Techno Blaze April 27, 2015
by Corny The Unicorn January 2, 2015
An amazing beautiful creature with magical powers. Unicorns are the single BEST mythical creature in the world!!!
by Cocoanut 076 December 16, 2017
A unicorn is a mythical creature. It’s typically a horse with a straight horn projecting from the forehead.
by Average_Water-bottle January 4, 2021