The most dumbest person you'll ever meet and the freakiest guy in the sheets
Yo Al smith he's a different guy in the bed.
by 4890 unknown December 25, 2017
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A little dick ass nigga that be folding like a omelet when his girl presses him and he a wimp
Person 1:Ay bro you talked to Creighton Wendell Smith in minute

Person 2:nigga who the fuck are you and why are you in my house
by YRGkami April 10, 2020
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a kid who used to be fat, loves to pee in cop cars, throws up a lot when drunk, you shouldn't feed him, dont let him smoke before games, his peepee is also v v v tiny and ges kinda ugly but its okay cause hes funny
oh my god you jus richie smithed that girl
by richardsmithh November 19, 2019
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Got rejected by Sophia and ELI
Do you want to date me?

NO Luke Smith you're minging noone does
by Jejouehasabignose April 24, 2024
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Whence you get extra cheese on your nachos
Wife: you get extra cheese on your nachos
You: Epic that’s lickie smith!!
by Poggerboy69420 January 8, 2021
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