the big red light district is amsterdam sex cinemas gay cinemas for guys only prostitute houses and red lights everywhere girls in glow in the dark outfits ppl tryin to pick up any one clubs and more clubs and red lights out side the houses basically mean some prostitute is workin
red light district is amsterdam
by livia April 24, 2006
Hair that has been tousled to the point that it looks as if the person afflicted has just left the Red Light District. The condition generally affects males. Sometimes referred to as RLDH, for short.
Girl: After making out for awhile on my couch last night, he got some serious Red Light District hair.
Friend: Cute.
Friend: Cute.
by snizzlepoof June 24, 2010
by lebron johnson March 6, 2005
Did you see him steppin out the club tonight? Bitches hanging all over him. He's a mobile red light district!
by ohhhhhhya January 26, 2011
This act is when a human take oneself to the local prostitution district and selects himself a worth partner. The then a traffic cone. You the then design a three course meal menu. (This is where you can really get inventive). After preparing your meal you take traffic cone and place it firmly into the whores anus. You the slide thre three course meal into the traffic ramming it into her arse. You then place yourself under a glass table where she or he releases the concoction onto the surface of the table. The then continue to eat the mixture from the table.
Fucked a prozzy at the week end gave her the red light district three course traffic cone. Pancake rolls chilli and a trifle!
by Echoalien May 22, 2020
8 Ball: I know a place on the edge of the Red Light District where we can lay low. But my hands are messed up so you better drive, brother!
by supertune March 5, 2021
by Tempus a Patres May 9, 2018