poser poser

A person who poses to be a poser just to get attention. Usually has no social group and little to no friends.
Whats his face is such a poser poser! Just stick to a damn group.
by lordethal December 20, 2006
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To pose: To pretend, to be somebody you're not, to be part of a culture or genre just to fit in.
Don't be such a Thomas, you only listen to Metal because all of your "friends" do, you big poser!

by MechaniX March 10, 2008
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A poser is someone who tries to fit into a profile they aren't. People who try to give off the impression that they are one thing when they are really another.
Also, a poser can be one who says they can do something that they can't.
Or more commonly, a poser is someone who, when doing something successfully, takes more than enough credit for it.
Lots of types of Posers, for example The guys who hang out with skateboarders but can't actually skate, even though they have a board.
by K~ August 10, 2003
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Kids that bring their skateboards to school.
Poser: Ya, I'm just going to walk to school with my skateboard and not ride is so people will think I'm a bad motherfucker.
by measingeneral June 29, 2012
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1.) Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne and their fans.
2.) To pose and pretend you're not a conformist or a prep when you are.
Oh my God, you conform to everything you're being told to do when you don't think that's what you do! What a poser!
by Super Tips March 26, 2023
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1.one who pretends to be someone whose not.
2. who tries to fit in but with exaggeration

An Avril Lavigne fan

"Like oh my god! She is not pop, dammit! She is totally punk rawk!"
by pool May 15, 2003
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A person who attempts to blend into a specific social group.
Justin was such a poser-goth; sure, he comes to school in all black, but he doesn't even know who Edgar Allen Poe is.
by Paul Cannon October 2, 2002
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