A shrink or a psychoanalyst
by "The Anna-lator" November 2, 2003
by Big Joe Alcock October 28, 2020
Pullin a Phil is when you're too ugly to get a woman so you settle for a crossdresser when you're drunk
Mike: im not gay plus i was drunk, plus they're non gender conformed so technically its not a man or a woman nanana
Jason: Sounds like you're pullin a phil
Jason: Sounds like you're pullin a phil
by BoyScoutsOfAmerica July 21, 2022
by Jessi Lou Poo August 26, 2008
Very popular in high school, gets all the ladies but tends to have sex with all the older girls.
Always on some type of drug, usually a phil might be shy but he carries a big package below.
Warning - Phil's have a very high sex drive and will fuck anything, so be prepared.
Always on some type of drug, usually a phil might be shy but he carries a big package below.
Warning - Phil's have a very high sex drive and will fuck anything, so be prepared.
by Marissa Mc. December 18, 2009
someone who is 6 foot huge and would kill everyone in its way. A phil is also a great person who is funny and all the girls love him for his charm. Phil is a pimp and a half. Everyone wants to be a phil but there is only one phil and that is PHIL T.
by my scissors January 30, 2006
A God among men. Phil is all-knowing. Don't question his powers. He is often seen sporting a large brass instrument and wearing a purple tanktop.
by PFerguson July 25, 2010