
an object often used to write with while some people use it for other means, commonly used by stalkers for anything they believe necessary, often noting the names of the people and dates
Jack:I can't wait til i see Jess and i've got a pencil in hand
"friend":Why, so you can write stuff with her?
Jack:No(looks coyly) i have other plans
by JEIASANTAI March 9, 2006
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1. an asian person who acts black in anyway.
2. a writing utensel
1. Jin Da MC
2. sharpen the pencil please, teacher and write me a poem
by Ren July 5, 2004
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something you write with and sometimes when you're bored you play with it it has an eraser on the top and when you're bored you SHOVE IT SOMEONES BUTT
he's using a pencil to write in his math test today
by savage543you March 7, 2017
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Yo Bill, I have a pencil up my ass
by Tittie Monster June 27, 2014
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the most lovable person that you'll ever meet. So kind and caring always pointing you in the right direction. Being a pencil friend is always the way to put the world at peace. Take care of your pencil because it will be your friend forever.
by coconutjuices229 September 20, 2017
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something girls shove in them to make babys
shove them pencils in me harder
by lebron jameees April 30, 2019
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pencil insulte u say to a person.. meaning nothin at all insulte to a skinny person with no muscle
ur a pencil
that guy is such a pencil
by Studa July 12, 2006
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