The Mississippi River

When a female/male chunks the duece in a southerner's mouth.
Jackie: " Guess what? "
Southerner: " What? "
Jackie: " I'm going to give you the Mississippi River. "
by Jackie && Shelly June 24, 2006
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Mississippi River

A sexual fetish wherein either semen or urine runs down a woman's chest between her breasts, creating the image of a river running between two mountains.
by sharkboy4eva January 8, 2012
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Mississippi River

The chief river of the United States, rising in the lake region of northern Minnesota and flowing about 3,781 km (2,350 mi) generally southward to enter the Gulf of Mexico through a huge delta in southeast Louisiana. Probably discovered by Hernando de Soto in 1541, it was explored by Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet in 1673. La Salle claimed the entire region for France after he descended to the river's mouth in 1682.

The longest river in the United States. It has historically been a major transportation artery for goods and people. The name is Algonquin for "big river."

The largest river in North America, which runs from Northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico.

or, for the pervs, the area between the breasts on a woman
1) I went rafting on the Mississippi River with my mom... ir rocked!

2) on their first date, he begged to lick her Mississippi River... but she refused (what a gaywad, that guy was)
by Tobie July 24, 2005
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mississippi river poop

when your poop comes out and makes the toilet bowl water look like muddy mississippi water. Solid or liquid just as long as you cant see the bottom of the toilet bowl. poop mississippi river
dude come check this out "oh man looks like u got that mississippi river poop" bet ya if we throw a line in there well probably pull up a large mouth bass.
by texastornados May 10, 2011
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Mississippi River Bluff

A poker technique commonly employed by poker players at Casinos in Biloxi, Philadelphia, and New Orleans. In order for a bluff to be considered a Mississippi River bluff, the following criterion must be satisfied:

1) The player is playing Texas Hold 'Em or a similar game,
2) the player open shoves fifth street, and
3) the player is playing the board.
I can't believe that fish called my Mississippi River bluff with only top pair!
by zeesubalpha April 8, 2011
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When your masturbating and taking a shit at the same time.
I think Todd is in the bathroom Mississippi River Boating again.
by USMC110869 February 24, 2010
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Mississippi River Pilot

An exotic handjob that requires the girl to grab the shaft of the dick and act like she's steer a boat.
Yo Sarah gave me the best Mississippi River Pilot I've ever had last night.
by TugboatTommy March 23, 2015
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