The Man

Scary Irish woman who Rips arms off and beats people to death
The man is straight up terrifying But has a heart of gold
by IAmGiant February 13, 2020
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The Man

"Papa Erns is the man. Always and forever. Swag."
by sonoftheman October 2, 2011
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The Man

One who believes he has that “big dick energy.” Believes many people are below him if they too don’t posses the BDE.
I’m Jared... and I’m the man
by The44Savage November 12, 2018
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The Man

The Police , Correction officer , ect... Prison Term
I told everyone to watch out because I saw The Man down the street. .
by Big I April 15, 2007
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The Man

The Man is a very manly woman. So when you are referring to such a woman you can no longer see her as an effeminate being because she is so butch and manly.

The Man is usually always acting tough, and calling people idiots.
They are known for kicking, punching, and hurting peoples' feelings.

They are also known for bragging about getting into something that normal others' can't.
The Man usually gets annoyed, or even frustrated when they cannot intimidate another person, known as the South Dakota Beast.

The Man has a usual victim, is the Fangirl F.A.W.. Who, is easily victimized.
The Man claims that they have been victimized in the past, and therefore enjoys hurting others.
Chick: "Do you see that butch chick over there?"
Chick 2: "That's a chick?"
Chick: "Yup, that's The Man."

"I'm so tired of being picked on by that girl!"
"It's okay, that's The Man, you have to just run. Or just hide behind someone."

The Man: "Look what I got into. They only accept amazing people, like me. And not you, an average Fangirl F.A.W.."

The Man: "You are an idiot. And I just don't say that to anyone, I say it to everyone."
by T-Shrooms April 18, 2010
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man man

an overused nickname for a son in a black household
hey pookie! get man man for me
by javo August 13, 2005
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Man's Man

Who is the Man's Man? He's the real class act. He always shaves and wears clothes that fit. He's worldly, educated, and a gentleman. He thinks that buttoned shirts are not just for special occasions and that newspapers have more than one section. While he is polite, he is not a pushover. He will swear when he needs to, but will try to control his temper. He can handle his liquor and keeps himself in shape. Most importantly, he will admit his faults and errors, because that is what real men do. He don't have to be gay or straight, black or white, Republic or Democrat, Athiest or Evangelical; he just does what ever he thinks makes himself a good person that he can be proud of. For these reasons, women want him and men want to be him.
Cary Grant, Gregory Peck, Denzel Washington are all examples of a Man's Man.
by XYZZZ October 24, 2006
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