Green Out

It's like a Strike Out, but for St Patrick's Day. Take a hit and then do an Irish Car Bomb.
Mark passed put after attempting a Green Out.
by Kdawg331 March 20, 2016
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Green out

When you smoke too much weed in a short period of time and it makes you whitey.
New smoker: What happens when you green out?

Me: It's happened to me once, when I first started smoking green. I had too much too quickly and ended up being sick. I was straight in the shower when I got home.
New smoker: No good. I hope that doesn't happen to me.
Me: Just pace yourself at first and you'll be fine. I haven't worried about it in years.
by Minecraftweedmod January 2, 2020
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Green Khmers

Radical ecologists. The name is an analogy to the far-left communist Khmer rouge, infamous for the Cambodian Genocide.
"I will vote against Nicușor Dan and his ecological fantasies. Bucharest does not need Green Khmers." - Cătălin Olteanu on Quora
by Edward005 June 24, 2024
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Cade Greene

A cade Greene is a very sexy man with a large weeny. If you have a friend with the name cade Greene than you need to cherish them and spend all you time with this very special young man. Not only is he a man with the friends, but he’s also a stud to the lady’s. Girls may describe him as a kid with unlimited rizz, and a lady’s man. He’s got all the muscles and is a great athlete. Cade Greene is fun and charming so he will most likely become an actor.
Guy: hey can I hang with you today?
Guy 2: no way, I’m hanging out with Cade Greene the stud.

Mom: get out of the bathroom!
Cade Greene: shut your mouth I’m taking a diarrhea!
by Pebblesbaby22 September 14, 2023
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Green on Green

(1) ProNoun- name of a future nationally recognized company similar to energy star wt out the limits of electronics.

(2) first word referring to Ecological, or Ecosystematic innovation or method that produces or saves Money referring to the last Green
(1) Green on Green saved us money, water, gas, fishing bait, and saved us from having to use a generator on our camping trip.... Thank God for that cause last time the gas Generator wouldnt start.

(2) The logo for that new company Green on Green is the recycling triangle made out money with the letters G.onG. in the center.
by GonGAshley November 18, 2020
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Green Flag

"You know Green Flag can pin point your precise location"
"That's Tree-mendous!"
by Attrit Jàz April 17, 2021
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Green flag

Green flags are people that were born April 26th 2006
Aniyah is a walking green flag even though she may not think so she is.she is very smart and and loving person to me everything about her is perfect.all the way from her huge rabbit get up to her small head is perfect she may not think so but I do the moment I met her it’s like she put me under some spell because now i am obsessed with her I think about her everyday and every night no matter what I’m doing she’s always on my mind.she is very considerate and has the beauty of an angel she can also cook but not better than me
by Buff nigga 313 April 29, 2023
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