Anyone who is called "The D" is amazing. The D is a pronoun for someone you think is awesome. The only true "the D" lives in Hazlet, New Jersey, and currently attends Rowan.
by john botch September 27, 2006
by ma piztol is nickel plated February 15, 2008
by Staggar Lee November 14, 2003
by Ya Boi Tronald Dump January 29, 2016
Term often used on cyberspace especially craigslist to denote Drugs and Disease free while seeking a partner
by Prncezz July 19, 2006
The creators of Game Of Thrones, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Although after the clusterfuck of the last season it is safe to just assume "dumb and dumber"
Jon: Did you see what D and D did to the recent Game of Thrones?
Jaime: It just gets dumb and dumber.
Jaime: It just gets dumb and dumber.
by tem 2 fivety four member May 8, 2019
by mistuhry December 8, 2014