The D

Anyone who is called "The D" is amazing. The D is a pronoun for someone you think is awesome. The only true "the D" lives in Hazlet, New Jersey, and currently attends Rowan.
Hi, I'm the D.

Oh baby, i cant wait to see the D!
by john botch September 27, 2006
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The D

an uptown hood never tah b fucked wit buhhd
If you aint from the D, Dont hop off tha 24 bus bluhd
by ma piztol is nickel plated February 15, 2008
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The D

The notoriously violent Dufferin Housing project in the North side of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I think the above is self explanitory
by Staggar Lee November 14, 2003
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The D

What basically all girls want, according to fuckboys.
by Ya Boi Tronald Dump January 29, 2016
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D and D or D&D

Term often used on cyberspace especially craigslist to denote Drugs and Disease free while seeking a partner
Please be D and D or D&D free
by Prncezz July 19, 2006
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D and D

The creators of Game Of Thrones, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Although after the clusterfuck of the last season it is safe to just assume "dumb and dumber"
Jon: Did you see what D and D did to the recent Game of Thrones?

Jaime: It just gets dumb and dumber.
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D for the D

Done for the Day; to conclude the workday and prepare for a relaxing evening at home.
At 4 PM, Justin was D for the D.
by mistuhry December 8, 2014
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