by cyril please September 1, 2010
by yeooo February 25, 2007
by FromTheBurn February 3, 2010
by Scott MacLean July 13, 2005
A loyal member to the original Boge Crew II. Co-founder of the Ghost Hunter Weekly Magazine and The Treasure Hunting Club. It is very possible that someday he will become the President of the United States of America.
"The Burn! He's so hot right now!"
by J February 25, 2005
noun - a state of being so frustrated, jaded, or hurt by relationships that the person afflicted comes to terms with being single, possibly for the rest of his/her life. (see Matchbox Twenty's song, The Burn)
by unfinishedsweet November 1, 2009
by Bilioxi Lou December 25, 2010