Term used to describe someone who is fat with a thick neck with bad posture.
by Neckbrodiefan May 25, 2024
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Term to describe a person with a very thick neck and bad posture
Aye neck brodie come here!

Aye neck brodie hop off chaturbate
by gyatnandhu May 20, 2024
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When one with testicles places their testicles on someone else's neck.
When I woke up after drinking too much, he was turkey necking me!
by Arvileng October 1, 2022
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when you butt chug Champagne on thanksgiving by shoving a champagne flute up your ass and then pull the glass out so your anus prolapses, causing a “turkey neck
hey bro, do you wanna get some turkey necking in before family dinner?
by basicbarry November 25, 2021
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One who is overtantly sexual mainly towards Asian women but in some cases white women typically also has bad hygiene and still lives with their parents in the basement playing video games all day everyday
He is such a “Neck beard”
by Kid lover69 October 27, 2020
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Someone who is very annoying and won’t go away. A bit like a knot in the very back of your which is nearly impossible to get out.
Person 1: hey, omg That new girl is sick a neck knot!
Person 2: oh you are so unlucky, you basically can’t get rid of them!
by Bubbly Mango July 6, 2021
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