a unit measurement that is one half of the universe
The universe is made up of two thanoses and two universes are made up of four thanoses.
by Ooga_booga____ January 9, 2019
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Dude did u see infinity war. My boy Thanos killed all them sorry ass heroes
by Idontfeelsogud12345 May 10, 2018
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A purple bald Titan that resembles Rick Harrison from Pawn Stars. His goals are to bring "balance" into the universe by killing half of all life to prevent their worlds from suffering the same collapse as his people. Arguably the "protagonist" anti protagonist of Infinity War and the upcoming Avengers 4.
Thanos "You should have aimed for the head".
by A Human Male July 4, 2018
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A giant space grape that was raked alive and now collects rocks for a living
Thanos is a thicc grape
by Jeffaldoo May 5, 2019
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A big purple raisand thing that gets bullied by the avengers because he collects rocks and he wears a big glove with rocks glued to it
See that ballsack chin grimace raisand guy he killed all his bullies his name is thanos
by HulkPoopedHisPants August 14, 2018
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A purple prune that has a rock collection, has a cool glove, adopts random children after commiting genocide on their family, has a insurance company called 50%, and gets bullied by the avengers.
Thanos is using skin care..
by not_space_rock21 July 25, 2019
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A big purple raisin with an oversized glove that has a strong passion for space rocks.
The oversized raisin Thanos collected all infantile stones.
by Danjaye May 2, 2019
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