Term that applies when one hastily responds to a thanks with a thank you turning an otherwise pleasant conversation into an awkward one.
Debbie the cashier: Seventy-five cents is your change, come back soon thanks.
You: Thank you!
Thanks, Thank You
You: Thank you!
Thanks, Thank You
by Scoot McGoot December 10, 2009
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" can be defined as when Mr. Ben Phillips has had enough of everyone being loud and a GaY CuNt
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" is defined as:
Ben Phillips walks in - the class is talking
"Thank you" x1 - Shut up
"Thank you" x2 - Shut the f*ck up
"Thank you" x3 - Shut the f*ck up or i'll throw you out the f*cking star jasmine
"Thank you" x4 - Ben Phillips proceed's to throw some arrogant sl*t out the f*cking star jasmine
Ben Phillips walks in - the class is talking
"Thank you" x1 - Shut up
"Thank you" x2 - Shut the f*ck up
"Thank you" x3 - Shut the f*ck up or i'll throw you out the f*cking star jasmine
"Thank you" x4 - Ben Phillips proceed's to throw some arrogant sl*t out the f*cking star jasmine
by Ben take it up Phillips August 20, 2019