An island country south of Australia.
Where are you from?
Cool! Where is Tasmania on the world map?
South of Australia
by H4V3ANlCED4Y August 23, 2011
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1. An island off the southern coast of Victoria
2. A shithole
3. A place that we should sell to China
4. Australia's future nuclear testing ground
5. Long form of "Tassie"
Person 1 "Oi where the fucks Tassie again mate?"
Person 2 "Ya fuckin dickhead, its south of Victoria"

Person 1"Oi wanna go to Tassie?"
Person 2 "Why the fuck would I go there? It's just a hole in the ground"

Xi Jinping(Chinese Dictator (please don't kill me China)) "Would you rike to serr Tasmana to great Peepers Repubric of China"
Aussie Government "No mate, fuck off"

2050: Atomic Testy Dude 1 "So where setting this off in Tassie right?"
Atomic Testy Dude 2 "Yeah mate"
Atomic Testy Dude 1 "But aren't there people there?"
Atomic Testy Dude 2 "Tasmanian's aren't people"
by Tasmanian'sAreLessThanJews April 28, 2018
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The hive of rednecks and scumbags in Australia.
The scab that needs to be flicked off
Man 1: bro I want to Tasmania

Man 2: you mean the Texas of Australia except its only the rednecks and its cold af
Man 1: Well you could put it like that

Man 2: Shut up Tasmania sucks just like your mum sucks my magnum dong
by ButtholeTongueStuck June 13, 2021
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Refer to Incest for more infomation on tasmania
Not many people know about Tasmania
by _QuebeC_ April 19, 2017
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Small island, the most southerly state of Australia. Hobart is the capital city.

Little-known fact: Hobart is the second driest capital in Australia.
While we're in Australia, let's go visit Tasmania.
by davey_677 August 2, 2005
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A beautiful island off the south-east coast of the mainland of Australia. Some of these poofy mainland people need to grow up. EVERY Tasmanian you will find has just one head. The Tasmanians I have met besides being helpful and friendly have no need to shag sheep either dickheads. While I'm on the subject does anyone here mention the fact that some mainlanders shag dingoes? Let's leave that one, shall we, for fuck's sakes give it a bone. You people who carry on with this shit, are just a bunch of reetarts. the point is Tasmania is in a state of economic and cultural revival and any of you people who carry on with this two-heads, sheep-shagging and shit, need to get a fucking life!
by God I love this planet November 4, 2005
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The island of incest off the coast of Australia. All Tasmanians are related to each other.
"Why are you going to Tasmania?"
"Because my cousin is marrying my sister"
by Bel March 13, 2005
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