An object bought and sold by slaves that is used for anything thinkable, a person could be referred to as a takumi because they are a complete fucking tool.
Man why the fuck are you being such a takumi. You fucking takumi
by Moltch February 18, 2019
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A very sexy mixed Japanese and black boy who has a big dick that is a legend in the community he lives in. He pulls all the hoes and people around the world wish to be him. He is a individual that is good in every sport and will forever be remembered.
"Man do you see that Takumi. I heard he fucked 100 bitches in a single hour!"
by Kelger69 December 19, 2016
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Weird ass Asian kid who thinks he's the Asian Albert Einstein. He drives a slow Toyota and eats pistachios.
Stop eating the pistachios, Takumi!
by Takumi_is_dumb 3000 March 31, 2020
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The additional cost you pay for a vehicle because of its popularity, which has been earned because it features prominently in initial d.
john: i'd love to buy a AE86 sprinter for my next car
jim: nah man, you pay takumi tax on those, get a early wrx instead.
by Matt Parker August 26, 2007
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Fujiwara Takumi is the main character of a Japanese anime and manga featuring downhill racing with an emphasis on "drift" technique.
by blake March 21, 2004
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